How to Design a Home Page that Actually Works for your Business
Your website could be the most beautiful looking website in the world, but a beautiful looking website isn't much good unless it also works hard and sells for you.
Your homepage can be the first thing that a potential client or customer sees and experiences of you and your brand and, just like a beautiful shop front, you want that first impression to be great, right?
Over the last few months, I've seen many website homepages that have been designed - aesthetically - wonderfully. However, when I took a deeper dive into some, I realised that they weren't fully optimised for driving sales (usually one of the main aims of a website..!)
To continue the shop analogy, these websites were like having a beautiful shop front but no door.
Here are just a few things I picked up that ~ in my humble opinion ~ needed improving;
There was often no clear messaging about what the brand actually did or who they helped
There was no way for a visitor to contact them or book
There was no real information about the products or services
The layout was too overwhelming and you didn't know where to look
So, in order to help you to not make these same mistakes, I've put together this short, helpful guide on how to layout your homepage like a pro UX designer.
Here are a 3 tips to go along with this guide -
A visitor to your website who has no idea who you are, should be able to tell what your business does within 5 seconds of landing on your website (which is why the first part of your homepage is super important!).
Make sure you have a few CTAs (call to actions) dotted around your homepage, directing visitors to book with you, contact you, view your services or whatever action you want them to take.
Make sure your text is clear and readable, and that the colours you use are of big enough contrast to be readable.
Need a website?
I offer bespoke website design services for small businesses, combining beautiful aesthetics with strategic design to align your website with your brand, increase your conversions and bloom your business.