Should You Put Your Prices on Your Website?
This is a question I see a lot, particularly around service based businesses, and often, it comes with contradicting answers.
So, I wanted to bring my thoughts to the hypothetical table from a commercial, product and UX (user experience) background.
TLDR: Yes, yes you should.
And here’s why ↴
Having your prices clear and visible on your website immediately builds trust with your potential customers by adding an element of transparency. They are immediately able to see what their investment will need to be to work with or purchase from you, and subsequently can make a number of budgeting decisions.
I would always encourage business owners (particularly those selling B2C) to think about how you, yourself shop as a consumer.
Would you eat at a restaurant with no prices on the menu? Or would you assume it would be expensive?
Would you shop at a jewellery store with no prices in the window? Or would you assume it would be out of your price range?
(Do you see a theme here?)
Often, whether correctly or incorrectly, we assume that no prices = expensive.
So, even if you don’t price yourself at a higher end or premium price, not having your prices on your website will send a message to a lot of potential clients that you’re too expensive for them (again, even if you’re not!).
This could result in a fair few missed client opportunities.
As some high-level research, I put a poll on my Instagram story and asked people to vote on whether no prices on a website would put them off making an enquiry, or if they didn’t mind and would make the enquiry anyway.
Out of 350 people, 92% of them said no prices would put them off, with just 8% saying they would make the enquiry to find out the prices.
Could you be missing out on 92% of potential clients?
Additionally, some consumers worry that by making an enquiry - and subsequently having to hand over their personal information such as an email address or phone number - that they will end up getting “spammed” by marketing.
Now, I know that we are all ethical business owners over here and we all adhere to GDPR rules but sadly, a lot of consumers have this view due to negative experiences with other businesses and it’s hard to build this trust back (despite it not being your fault). I’m sure we’ve all been there, and unfortunately, it means a few businesses have led to decreased consumer trust in all businesses when it comes to submitting personal data.
Your prices communicate the value you perceive yourself to provide through your services and subsequently, others will judge the quality for your work and the value they will get from you based on the prices you charge.
Therefore, it’s not only beneficial for you to have your prices on your website for this reason, but it’s all the reason to ensure that you’re charging a fair price for your services and not underselling yourself!
As demonstrated through the poll results, most people aren’t willing to invest their time and energy into making enquiries or arranging intro calls just to find out that your services are out of their budget or price range.
By making your prices visible on your website, you’re saving both them and you valuable time which, I can assure you, they will thank you for!
As a business owner, you want to attract the right clients for you and not waste your valuable time either. So, put your prices on your website, trusting and knowing that there are many people out there in the world willing and able to pay you what you’re asking for.
Now, if you’re not already convinced, I think I know what you’re thinking.
❌ You don’t want your competitors to know what you charge.
❌ You can’t put your prices on your website because your prices are complicated or vary depending on client wants.
❌ You’re worried your prices might put people off.
These are all incredibly valid concerns that I hear people talking about, but here is what I will always counter with -
✔️ If your competitors want to know what you charge, they’ll find a way.
Whether it’s looking for reviews or asking friends to send an enquiry, there are many ways they can do this.
✔️ If your prices vary depending on client wants, adding a “from” or “starting at” range enables you to give prospective customers an idea of investment without committing to a set price.
✔️ If your prices put people off… good!
This sounds harsh, but you don’t want to work with people who can’t afford to pay you, right?
Think about what your ideal client wants
Put yourself in their shoes and really think about if not having prices on your website will impact their buying decisions
Do some research! Ask around and gather feedback from friends, family and past clients on their thoughts and feelings.
Test it! Add prices to your website for four weeks and analyse the difference in your conversion rates.