The Talk Twenties Podcast

In the summer of 2021, I was a guest on the Talk Twenties Podcast talking all around gender (in)equality in the workplace.

You can listen or watch the full episode here, or just search “Sophie Princeton Talk Twenties” wherever you get your podcasts. 🎙

Let’s work together

Do you need a speaker or panelist for an upcoming event and think we’d be a great fit?

After a near-12 year career in the corporate world, 9 years of side-hustling 3 career changes and 2 businesses, I am an engaging speaker who can bring expert-insights and real-world anecdotes to inspire and motivate an audience (in-person, virtually or via podcasts) with both passion and humour.

I am particularly passionate speaking about business strategy, career changing, and empowering and inspiring others to realise that they deserve a job, business or career they love.

Send me an email via the button below and I’d love to hear more about how we could work together.

  • ✓ Business strategy

    ✓ Using manifestation and visualisation in your career and business

    ✓ Career Changing

    ✓ Career Transformation

    ✓ Career Strategy

    ✓ Navigating your career as a woman

    ✓ Networking and self-promotion

    ✓ Personal development


Women in Business Power Hour Keynote Chair | CEO Summit


International Women's Day Celebration | Virtual Speaker & Host