30 Things That Are More Important Than How My Body Looks

T/W - food, body image 💛

Not unlike many people I know, I’ve struggled with my body, body image and body confidence for as long as I can remember. 

I’ve weighed, measured and body checked myself more times and days than I care to admit. I’ve restricted, binged, and punished my body for many, many years, and I’m currently on a journey to try and heal my body - and my mind - from the inside out. 

It’s a tough and tricky journey, and one I couldn’t do without the love, patience, encouragement and understanding of my closest and favourite people, but it’s one I’m determined to do for me. For me right now and for future me.

And so, as part of this journey, I thought I’d journal on a few things that are more important than how my body looks. I might make this into a mini series, who knows, but here are 30 wonderful reasons to remind myself - and you, if you need them - of what is more important than what we look like - 


  1. Being able to feel the warmth of the sunshine on my skin

  2. Eating nutritious food to fuel and look after my body and keep it strong

  3. Helping friends and loved ones when they need help

  4. Being kind to others

  5. Being kind to myself

  6. Telling the people I love that I love them often.

  7. Being able to taste my favourite food

  8. Being able to walk along the beach and hear the sound of the ocean

  9. Being able to feel the sand on my feet.

  10. Being able to listen to music

  11. Being able to dance, wherever I want, whenever I want.

  12. Being able to sing (badly) at the top of my lungs in the car or in my living room

  13. Being able to hug the people I love

  14. Being able to pay my rent and my bills and have a roof over my head

  15. Being able to dream and set ambitious goals for myself

  16. Having the ambition, courage and determination to go after my goals and make them happen

  17. Being able to cuddle and play with my - and other people’s! - dogs.

  18. Being able to swim in the sea

  19. Being able to run in the rain

  20. Being able to read my favourite books

  21. Pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and sitting in that discomfort to achieve my goals

  22. How my body is able to heal itself

  23. Respecting my body and the fact that it keeps me alive every day

  24. Being able to watch the sunset and the beautiful colour of the sky in the evening

  25. Supporting my loved ones in their goals and dreams and being their biggest cheerleaders

  26. Feeling the joy that comes with laughing so hard your cheeks start to hurt

  27. Looking after my mental health and asking for help if I need it

  28. Being able to taste and savour the first sip of coffee in the morning

  29. Being able to spend time doing things that bring me joy and make my heart happy

  30. Waking up in the morning and feeling gratitude for today

Soph 🤍


I quit my well paid 9-5 career to take a part time hospitality-retail job. Here’s why. 


11 Things to Do and See (and eat!) in Kraków, Poland