My Personal Blog

Hi! I’m Soph, the founder of Align & Bloom and retired fashion + lifestyle blogger, who’s not quite willing to give up writing “just because” just yet. So, this is my space for my personal ramblings, thoughts & musings. Hope you enjoy.

Sophie Princeton Sophie Princeton

30 Things That Are More Important Than How My Body Looks

T/W - food, body image etc 💛

After years of not treating my body very well, I’m currently on a healing journey to treat my body better. And so, as part of this, I thought I’d journal of a few things that are much more important than what my body looks like.

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Career, Personal Sophie Princeton Career, Personal Sophie Princeton

It’s OK To Quit

A personal anecdote of why quitting something was one of the best things I did and, hopefully, a post to give you permission to quit whatever it is that isn’t bringing you joy.

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