9 Things I’d Tell My 18-Year-Old Self
18 year-old me was quiet, shy, terribly anxious and constantly in a state of feeling lost and not good enough. In late August of 2012, I was about kick-start my career with my very first office job, and the thought of walking into that office on the first day felt overwhelmingly terrifying.
The next few years would be one hell of a rollercoaster. So, if I could tell that 18-year-old Soph a couple of things, what would they be?
✨ Your first job doesn’t have to be your forever job
✨ No job is worth sacrificing your mental health for
✨ It’s okay to quit & start over
✨ It’s okay for your goals to change
✨ You absolutely do not need a degree to make your career work.
✨ You'll make the right choices for you.
✨ Trust your gut. It’s always right.
✨ You’re better at this than you think you are.
Hindsight really is a gift, isn’t it? I can’t wait to see what 38 year old me will have to say.