My Personal Blog
Hi! I’m Soph, the founder of Align & Bloom and retired fashion + lifestyle blogger, who’s not quite willing to give up writing “just because” just yet. So, this is my space for my personal ramblings, thoughts & musings. Hope you enjoy.
No, I’m not “too quiet”. Please stop using that to critique me.
On always being labelled “too quiet” and why your quiet colleagues, friends, and employees make the best leaders and shouldn’t be underestimated.
I quit my well paid 9-5 career to take a part time hospitality-retail job. Here’s why.
Why I quite my very stable, well paid 9-5 career to take a part time job in a coffee shop.
It’s OK To Quit
A personal anecdote of why quitting something was one of the best things I did and, hopefully, a post to give you permission to quit whatever it is that isn’t bringing you joy.
“If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, You’ll End Up Someplace Else”
Why having goals is absolutely critical to creating the life you’ve always wanted.